Video Outline
Delete, Language, Currency Settings
Delete samples
- Long press to delete: Press and hold to delete all items, including accounts
- Transaction Details:Spending、Income、Transfer、Trade、Adjust、Split
Language, Currency Settings
- Language: Main Menu->Settings and Version Expiry->User Interface Language
- Currency: Main Menu->Settings and Version Expiry->Currency for Transactions
Account Setup
Saving Account
- lInitial Position Date:2023-11-10,Avoid entering extensive historical data by setting a specific date as the starting position, and input transactions from that date onward
- lEUR$1,500
- lUSD$3,200
Add Asset Account:Tax Withhold
Add Mortgage:USD$375,000
Add Property:House USD$500,000
Credit Card
- 2023-11-10
- USD$-384
Input Transactions
Spending: Dining, Transportation….
- Saving Account - USD$100、Category:Restaurant
Income:Salary, Sales….Spending
- Saving Account - USD$98、Category:Other Income
Transfer:Cash Transfer Between Accounts
- Saving Account - USD$100、Cash
Adjust:Balance Adjust
- Saving Account 、Balance on recordsUSD$3,098、Actual balanceUSD$3,000、Category:Net Income
Split: Split Transaction: Incomes, Spending and Transfer
- lSaving Account USD Salary:+USD$1,600、Health Insurance:-USD$65、Tax Withhold:-USD156、Left-over amount:1,379
Stats & Charts
Statistics and Charts Type
- Income & Spending: Income, Spending and Net Income
- Asset & Liability: Asset, Liability and Net Income
- Others: Transfer and Dividend
Items of Transaction for Filtering
- Period
- Accounts
- Categories
- Tags
- Monthly Amount Bar Charts
- Pie Charts: Accounts, Categories, Tags
Report and Chart Examples
Monthly spending over the last three months and breakdown?
- Spending、 Last three months、Monthly spending; Classified by Categories
Monthly income over the last three months and categories?
- Income、 Last three months、Monthly income; Classified by categories
Asset growth in the past year?
- Net Asset、All accounts、Monthly Ending Asset Balance