Main Function Page->Dashboard
All notifications and important financial statuses are displayed on this page, including the following items:
- Historical Asset Balance: Display account historical asset balances, with the date range from the earliest transaction date to today.
- Monthly Income: Display categorized income for each month
- Monthly Spending: Display categorized spending for each month
- Investment Return Notification: Reference investment feature. Comparison of target annual return with actual investment.
- Bill Notification: Reference Bill feature
- Dividend Notification: Dividend notifications for currently held investment assets.
- Budget Notification: Reference My Budget feature. Notification for monthly income or spending exceeding the budget threshold.
- GoalStatus: Reference My Goals.
Historical Asset Balance

Calculation of historical asset balance based on the account feature. Date period is from the earliest transaction date to today.
Click on the expand V and collapse ^ arrows (1) to expand or collapse all notification items.
Monthly Income

Click on the left and right arrows (1) to move through the displayed months.
Monthly income based on the statistical chart’s income feature, represented with a pie chart showing proportions and total amounts by displayed month and category.
Monthly Spending

Click on the left and right arrows (1) to move through the displayed months.
Monthly income based on the statistical chart’s income feature, represented with a pie chart showing proportions and total amounts by displayed month and category.
Investment Return Notice

Investment return notifications are based on the set target cumulative return(3) and the actual cumulative return (2) with a comparative calculation.
The results of the comparative calculation will be displayed on the dashboard if they exceed the threshold setting
The return calculation period (1) is determined by the start date in settings.
Diff (4): Actual cumulative return minus target cumulative return.
Bill Notification

Bill / income notifications (1) are set in Main Menu->Bill.
When updating data today and surpassing the notification date, the dashboard will display notifications for Bill/regular income.
After selecting (2) on the items, clicking the “To Transaction” button (3) will include all selected items in the transaction.
Clicking on bill notification item (4) allows you to modify related details before including them in the transaction, and long-pressing allows deletion.
Dividend Notification

Based on the held investment assets, if a particular asset has dividends, dividend notifications will be automatically generated during data updates.
After selecting (2) on items, clicking the “To Transaction” button (3) will include all the selected items in the transactions.
The dividend amount calculation involves multiplying the number of held shares by the dividend per share, then further multiplying by (1-withholding rate). You can click on the dividend notification (4), make modifications to the relevant details, and include it in the transaction. Long-pressing allows deletion.
The withholding rate is set in the Withholding Setting.
Budget Notification

The budget amount is set in My Budget.
The budget exceedance notification threshold is within the budget notification settings.
Click on “Notice Details” (1) to view the details of the budget notification.
Goal Status

Click on “Goal Status Details” (1) to view details about my goals.