Accumulated Returns: Actual Return (Time-Weighted Return Rate) and Target Return
Presenting the differences between Accumulated Returns and Annualized Returns concerning Actual Return Rate (Time-Weighted Return Rate) and Target Return Rate.

- Calc. Period: Configurable within options, all investment-related calculations are based on this period. Changing the period allows retrospective calculation of relevant values at different points in time.
- Currency for Calculations: All calculations are based on the default currency, please refer to 常見問題-主要幣別。
- Target Ann. Rate: The user-set target annual return for investments.
- Target, actual, and market cumulative return comparison chart: Displays the differences between market, actual investment performance, and target investment returns at different points in time. Converts the target annual return to daily return and plots the target cumulative return line chart based on the set time interval. Calculates the daily time-weighted return based on the user’s actual investment and plots the actual cumulative return line chart.
- Target vs. actual return (time-weighted return) comparison table: Displays a table showing the cumulative, annualized return, return standard deviation (indicating investment risk), and differences between target and actual performance.
Investing Gain/Loss

- Realized gains and losses: The total amount earned or lost from selling investment assets within a specified time interval, converted into the calculation currency.
- Dividend income: The total amount of dividend income converted into the calculation currency within a specified time interval.
- Unrealized gains and losses: The earnings from unsold inventory positions, which are the differences between the weighted average cost and market price of assets that have not been sold, converted into the main currency.
Investing Performance
Comparing the target return, the time-weighted return of actual investments, and the market for return and risk comparison. Clicking on the market name allows you to add the cumulative return rate line chart for that market in the upper graph.
Position Details

- Security symbol and name
- Security price currency
- Daily profit and loss amount for the security
- Inventory quantity of the security
- Security price
- Currency market value of the security
- Daily return the security: Calculated based on the closing price of the previous day.
Account investment gains and losses

- Account security symbol and name
- Market value of the account security, calculated in the price currency
- Unrealized gains and losses of the account security, calculated in the price currency
- Inventory quantity of the account security
- Price of the account security
- Weighted average cost of the account security
- Unrealized return of the account security